Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chemistry is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was working in the stockroom today (when am I NOT working at the stockroom?) and I was bored and tired. Lillya was working with me, so she started washing dishes and I was siting at the window. We have this cool calendar on the bulletin board next to the window that has all kinds of cool chemistry application stuff on it. This month it was Chinese Lantern Blossoms on the cover and beneath it there was a molecular structure of Physali E, a chemical that is in the flower. it looked REALLY cool. So I got two molecule kits and I started building a 3-D model of this molecule. IT WAS SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT TURNED OUT AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The red and blue parts are all representing oxygen. I ran out of red, so I used blue too.
The black and gray are all carbons.

It looks even cooler in real life!!!!!!!!

Isn't this amazing??!!!!!!! I LOVE CHEMISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After I took apart this molecule, I started building Chlorophyll b, but there are a LOT of double C-C (carbon to carbon) bonds and I didn't have enough double bonds. I didn't want to open another molecule kit, so I just gave up. BUT, in the near future, I WILL build Chlorophyll b.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leesowa! Wo de Zhi Shu! You are such a genius.