Monday, October 20, 2008

Calla Lily

In my last blog about angiosperms, I forgot to add one very important flower . . . Calla Lily! It's Makara's (my best friend) favorite flower and I have been reminded of the fact. So here is a whole post dedicated to calla lily!
The genus Zantedeschia has twenty-eight species of plants and they come in a variety of colors. Here, I only have 3 represented. Zantedeschia species are very poisonous - all parts of the plant are toxic! They are even capable of killing livestock and children!
However, the calla lily is very beautiful and shows up in many paintings; they show up very often in Diego Rivera's paintings. Can you believe that in some parts of the world they are regarded as a weed?! It's a perfect wedding bouquet flower!

Nature is amazing! I mean look at the symmetry and the perfect whorls!

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