Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

This year the whole family came to our house for thanksgiving. I made pumpkin pies, stuffing and turkey. My mom made other food and various relatives brought things as well. It was a good night, but there's just too many people in our family. It's crazy when everyone gets together! There are so many little kids running around and making a mess! But it was good.

My brothers (Vasiliy and Jacob) and I

Jacob! He's so adorable! He loves watching Barbie and the Diamond Castle so we turned it on and got the kids to sit still for a little bit. Some adults watched it with the kids as well. I personally love the movie and I bought the DVD and now Jacob watches it all the time and keeps bugging me to buy him the princess' from the movie. He's so cute!

My cousin Lidia

My mom, her mom and I

Me, mom, maternal grandma, paternal grandma. . . both grandmas live with us and both of my grandpas died

My cousin Yuriy, Lidia's brother

The guys were in my room most of the night playing computer games!

My cousin Alex, his wife Vita and their younger son Rayel

I like these family gatherings. Before, I used to hate them because of all the noise and the kids running around, but I got used to it now. I still like quiet time, but once in a while craziness is ok.

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